Thursday 19 November 2015

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Financial acumen exam bank  may not be every director’s strength but ignorance is no excuse when it comes to understanding company accounts. The former directors of property group Centro found this out the hard way in June when the Federal Court brought down its landmark decision against them regarding their lack of due diligence in the lead-up to the company's near collapse in 2007.
The eight former directors and executives were found to have breached the Corporations Act by signing off on financial exam bank reports that failed to disclose billions of dollars of short-term debt. The case was watched closely by boards of directors across Australia, although the recently announced penalties were considered lenient. Declarations of contravention were made against all defendants.

Regardless of the lightness of the penalties, the case will continue to hold important lessons for Australian company directors. In his ruling in late June, Federal Court judge John Middleton commented that the omission of more than A$2 billion of debt from the accounts could have been identified ‘without difficulty’. What was required of the exam bank directors was ‘critical and detailed attention’, rather than relying on the information presented to them by management and Centro’s auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers ‘no matter how competent or trustworthy they may appear to be’.

The Centro case will continue to be upheld as a prime example of what can go wrong when directors rely on others for information rather than make it their business to read the question bank download financial statements and check them.

‘The judgement is more of a wake-up call to say “don’t skim the accounts and don’t rely on the assurances of others. You need to exercise judgement and use an inquiring mind”. Which is consistent with the legal principles that directors have to be pro-active when it comes to understanding company affairs including its financial affairs,’ he (Anil Hargovan) says.
Leigh Warnick, a partner with Lavan Legal in Perth, says there are two key messages company directors and their advisers should take home from the Centro judgement: directors are the last line of defence on financial  question bank download reporting; and information overload is no excuse — directors must take control.

Directors across Australia would be entitled to react to the Centro case with alarm if it obliged them to read financial statements with the eyes of an expert, but this is not the case, Warnick says. The requirements outlined by Justice Middleton were to have enough financial literacy to understand basic accounting conventions, and to exercise proper diligence in reading financial statements.
John Colvin, managing director and chief executive of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), says the judgement against the Centro directors highlights important issues and provides some timely reminders of the significant responsibilities that come with a board seat and just how difficult being a director can be. ‘It is important for all company directors to have an understanding of the business they oversee, as well as a basic understanding of the financial position of the company,’ says Colvin. However, in an environment where the complexity of financial reporting standards and their application continues to increase, the role of company directors continues to become even more onerous for question bank download.

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1.41   Go to the CSR website ( and locate the segment report in the latest exam bank financial statements.

a.        What do you think is the purpose of the segment report?

b.        What operating segments does CSR have?

c.         How do you think this information would benefit stakeholders of financial statements?

d.        Can you think of any disadvantages of disclosing this information for CSR Ltd?

a.         The purpose of the segment report is to inform users of financial reports of information relating to the various revenue earnings segments of the business. The segment report also provides a description and definition of each of the segments including the exam bank physical location of that segment. The segment report also provides the profit/loss of each segment, total assets and total liabilities of each segment.

b.    The operating segments of CSR Ltd are building products, glass, aluminium   and property.

c.    This information would benefit various stakeholders of the company. Understanding the different profits of the operating segments will assist users in forecasting future exam bank profits as it allows users to gain insight into the relative risks and returns of the different segments, compared to a consolidated report      which would just focus on the total figure and not enable individual            assessment of each of the sections of the business.

d.    The disadvantages of disclosing this type of information by the firm would     include the additional costs in preparing and disseminating this information and also potential proprietary costs arising from disclosing potentially sensitive information to market competitors.

1.42   Refer to the latest financial statements for JB Hi-Fi Ltd (the notes to the 2012 consolidated financial statements of JB Hi-Fi appear in the appendix to this book and the statements are available at For each of the following stakeholders, give an illustration of a report or a note that would be useful for decision-making purposes, state why the information is useful, and give an example of how that information would be used to question bank download.
          a.    Prospective investors
          b.    Customers
          c.    Employees
          d.    Suppliers to JB Hi-Fi Ltd
          e.    Auditors
          f.     Charity organisations
          g.    Australian Taxation Office

a.    JB Hi-Fi Ltd’s prospective investors – All financial statements, auditor’s report and directors’ report. This information would be useful to help them question bank download  assess the performance and position of the entity at the end of the financial period and what their future potential investment opportunities are.

b.    Customers – Income Statement, notes on income and also notes on provisions such as
       This information can assist in determining the profitability of the business and by looking in the notes, the main sources of income for the business. Product warranty information may provide them with estimates on the percentage of products returned to the entity.

c.    Employees of JB Hi-Fi Ltd. – All financial statements, note 2 (v) share based payments to employees. Employees are going to be interested in future question bank download profitability and cash flow. Job security, promotional opportunities will be of interest to employees. They will also seek information on remunerations such as employee share based plans.

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1.37     The Australian Accounting exam bank Standards Board (AASB) and international accounting standards
What is the relationship between the AASB and the international standard-setting bodies such as the IASB?

Australian and international accounting exam bank standards
Since 1 January 2005, Australian entities have complied with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) is responsible for the development and maintenance of high-quality financial reporting standards in Australia, and to contribute to the ongoing development of global accounting standards. The AASB provides input into current International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) projects by issuing exposure drafts of amended AASBs that incorporate the relevant clauses and requirements of the IFRS.

1.38     Sustainability reporting
BHP Billiton Ltd includes a sustainability report in its annual report. What key performance indicators are included in this report? Explain the different stakeholders that would be interested in this information.

The key performance indicators included in this report are:
1. governance
2. people
3. environment
4. exam bank

The employees of the company would be interested in the safety and health measures undertaken by BHP Billiton Ltd. Future employees may be interested in the gender diversity of the organisation such as number of woman directors on the board of directors. Future employees may also be interested in the age and cultural diversity of the workplace.  Prospective investors may be interested in the environmental aspects of the company such as climate change and energy, biodiversity and land management and water management. Society would be interested in the way the company supports and engages with the community, the way the company respects human rights and makes a positive contribution to society for question bank download.

1.39     Go to the ASX website (
a.       In the search field type, ‘What is the sharemarket’. Click on the result ‘ASX Tutorial: What is the sharemarket?’. Watch the video on ‘What is the sharemarket?’ How the buying and selling process work and what is the role of the broker?
b.      Next, click on ‘Prices, Research & Announcements’, then ‘Market statistics’. Under the heading ‘Most traded shares’ click on the value of the top 20 shares. What are the current  question bank download top 20 shares by value?
c.       Again under ‘Market statistics’, under the heading ‘Historical market statistics’ click on ‘number of listed entities’. What is the current number of listed entities on the ASX and what is the percentage increase since 2002?

a.   ASX-listed shares are easy to buy and sell compared with unlisted shares, property and term deposits. You can buy or sell small amounts quickly          through a licensed broker. Brokerage fees for executing a trade are usually a             fixed fee or a small percentage of the value of the shares traded.

1.40     After successfully running her small private recruitment agency for a number of years, Anastasia feels it is now time to expand. Her friends in business have told her to ‘get big or get out’. One of the options she is investigating is whether or not to list on the ASX. She has heard that the ASX question bank download has its own regulation in the form of Listing Rules.

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